
Archive for 11 febbraio, 2006

Good news for Tibet?

11 febbraio, 2006 4 commenti

Good news from the front of Chinese-Tibetan relationship. Or, at least, hopes for warmer relations between China and the Dalai Lama. This is what we are led to think after reading in the Telegraph today that:
200 Chinese nationals attended a prayer meeting in India with the exiled Tibetan ruler.
Tibet’s government-in-exile, based in the Indian hilltown of Dharamsala, confirmed yesterday that China had issued a growing number of visas to ethnic Chinese and Tibetans over the last two to three years. Since 2002 representatives from Beijing and the Dalai Lama have held four meetings as part of a slow-moving process of rapprochement. A fifth meeting is expected later this year.
Officials in Dharamsala stopped short of describing the numbers of Chinese visitors as a breakthrough but agreed it was encouraging.

Categorie:anglosphere, religion